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We love to welcome children to St John's and they are very much part of our church family.  Junior Church meets during Sunday services.  We have an active midweek toddler group, and there are special events for children and families during the year. 

Children in church

Junior Church

Junior church, for children aged 3 ½ to 11,  meets every Sunday except when there is all-age worship.  The children go to their session during the service and return before the end to share what they have been doing.

Tiny Tots

Tiny Tots is our popular baby group, for children 0 – 2 ½ and their carers.  We meet on Tuesday mornings for play and fun in a relaxed atmosphere.  To book a space, please contact Jane on

Small child playing with toy cars
Children doing craft

Messy Church

Messy church is held twice a year at Easter and Harvest time.  This is a fun time for families to do crafts and activities around a theme and to learn about God.

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