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Sunday worship is at 10 am and lasts just over an hour.  All ages are welcome to join us, and to stay for refreshments and a chat afterwards.   It's a vibrant time of worship, usually quite informal and lively, and including music led by the worship band, prayers and a Bible message.  There's a lot of variety in our worship, as we draw on our different traditions.  We celebrate Communion on some Sundays: you are welcome to take part or to receive a blessing.​

Musicians and worshippers

​There's no need to worry about bringing the family to St John's.  We love children and know how much energy they have, and it's fine if you want to take little ones out for a breather.  Junior Church meets on most Sundays alongside the service.  Children are welcome to share in Communion, assisted by their parents.

Find out what’s happening on Sunday here.

Communion bread portions and wine glasses


Our midweek Communion service is at 12.30 pm on Wednesdays, except during August.  This is a relaxed, peaceful service lasting just half an hour.

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